Saturday, March 27, 2010

Wall Climbing XTVT

Wall climbing???

Hmm...i've never expecetd that one day i'll involve in this kind of xtvt. Looks like nothing, just simply hang to the wall?? Wrong! Absolutely wrong! You must try on it, then u'll know!

Last Saturday, my hubby invited me to go with him to Mad Monkeys Climbing Gym. At first thought just to follow, but then...hmmm..he registered me too ;) Thanks Sayang!

At first i tried, wow! Its me feels like to try more and more...because there're many 'stones' stick to the wall & I still not touch it accordingly! Must come and come when we have any free time - weekend perhaps!


I f you wanna have a try, lets go for it! Details :

At MadMonkeyz, climbing should be safe, convenient, affordable and most importantly, fun!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010



If you're a software that help to remind people for good, i guess absolutely Great! But when you're the reminder, have to write and send reminder to others, it such a eerrr...most people will hate you and can let people fight each other too!

Such a night mare when there's a case, a lady have to be a reminder to somebody which is actually was part of the 'big committee'. Same things has been reminded, but again and again she has to remind him. At last the 'bomb' exploded! Hmm...i can't say much, coz both related to your dignity as a Manager.

Anyway, in working environment, we MUST be professional. Know how to differentiate between friends & colleagues. Some people they don't understand that and always have negative perspective - Lyer! Good Actor! Anyhow, its subject to you guys - an adult should know which is good or bad!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

A Visit to Jelita Ostrich Farm

Jelita Ostrich Farm
Last Sunday we went back to Seremban - my hubby hometown actually ;)

On da way back we decided to have a visit at Jelita Ostrich Farm. Simply depends on luck - open or not, we just go. So happy its opened! So we had our journey there.

The 4.2-hectare Jelita Ostrich Farm, located on a 75-hectare site, has been certified by the Malaysian Book of Records as the first ostrich farm in Malaysia.

Our Trip Experiences
Here, visitors are briefed on the ostrich industry by an experienced multilingual guide who will take visitors through the farm. Visitors are then taken to a breeding pen where a demonstration on the right way to pick up eggs will be shown.

Visitors are allowed to ride ostriches and those who do so are given certificate qualifying them as ostrich jockeys. A visit to the farm is now not complete without the race and the chariot ride. -->but as for us, we just watched it :p

Actually about four to five birds would take part in a race and the interesting feature of an ostrich race is the way the birds manoeuvre at bends , but during our visit only two took part.

There are no rules in an ostrich race and the first bird that turns back and heads for the starting point is the winner. They can just run a few metres and head back to the starting point. An ostrich can achieve a speed of up to 70kph. Very fast wow!

The other attractions at the farm include ostrich rides where visitors are also given certificates - i got during my last visit year 2002 if not mistaken, and the “man against egg’’ challenge where one stands on an ostrich egg in an attempt to break it. But, serious very hard shell!

Apart from the farm activities, there is a souvenir store, a stall serving ostrich satay as well as ostrich essence with ginseng are available. The satay is very good due containing very high protein. Suits for those on diet ;)

Friday, March 19, 2010

Day Trip to Bukit Tinggi, Pahang

Last Saturday was a great start of our weekend. Actually it was a last minute plan. Planned to wake up in the early morning, but as usually - after Subuh before Zuhor we did! hahaha

Once everything ready, we went to Bravo Restaurant and had our lunch together - at 11.20 am hehehe

Then my lovely hubby drove al the way to Bukit Tinggi. Quite shocked for me as first timer been here. Its really far up of the hills and on da way up is just a forest! Nothing u can see. Lucky my hubby drove via Ampang Look up atleast got view of KL before we entered the hills heading to Bukit Tinggi.

Bukit Tinggi is a small town in the Bentong district of Pahang, Malaysia. This small town is located along Karak Expressway.

View Larger Map

Once we reached Bukit Tinggi, we have to pay RM10 for the entrances of:

Japanese Village
Botanical Garden
Colmar Tropicale

Ok la...suitable for budget trip ;)

Here some of the photos of our day trip to Bukit Tinggi, Pahang. Enjoy!

If you wanna see more, go to my fotopages ya! Click here:

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My Birthday

Happy Birthday!

Common wish for all those celebrating hit their next age! As for, today's i'm stepping to 28 years! Today's morning is so great. While driving to the office, i see quite numbers of Hot Air Ballons in the air. Actually it is because of 2nd Putrajaya International Hot Air Ballon Fiesta 2010

Both really catched my eyes. Believed me, i've stopped by the road, just to take snaps on it!

Then, again in the office, celebration goes on - Jan -Mar Birthday Party!

Just wanted to thank you again for this morning - Breakfast Birthday Party! It was so thoughtful of you to turn my morning out into a birthday celebration for me - coincident actually :p You shouldn't have... but I'm certainly glad you did!

What a nice party at this office - HCity Sdn Bhd & lovely present!
Thank you so much. I'm very lucky to have you as my friends & colleuge.

Here some photos during the Morning Celebration Party at HCity Sdn Bhd. Enjoy it!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Azlina Engagement Day is my youngest sisters Engagement Day! SO great...simple but so lively!

A Blue-Pink canopy set in front of our house - just a canopy :)

Catering...seriously so tasty! Embun Katering - my aunt actually. Her cooks can't deny - superb tasty! Anybody wanna try??Absolutely suggested!

We all so enjoy during the caremony, especially me - busy 'posing' snaps anywhere and most of the angles & time :) Just for fun, really releasing my 'headaache' at office.

Some good pose from all of us - Anak Dara oppss...exclude me married with 1 child ;)

Anak Dara Tmn Keramat - Izzati, Elin & Nana ...

Arrival of Ruslan's Family .. Elin's Fiancee

Discussion between 2 families cool

After "Sarung Cincin", from left My Mama, Elin & Fiancee's Mak

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Pink Colour

Mar 2010 created another history in my youngest sister will get engage! family and I didn't she wanna get married so soon as she just going to be 23 years this year! Already her mate, so we all just agreed!

At first planned straight to 'Nikah' 'Merisik', no 'Bertunang'..End up, changed to have 'Merisik' & to have 'Bertunang' and the Wedding Caremony only will be done at our house. Again, after that changed! Will have the wedding Caremony at the Groom site also!

What ever to both of you..BUT make sure we all updated, if not who gonna conduct your caremony later!

Anyway, as this is such a memorable event, i willingly to prepared the 'Hantaran' @ 'Wedding Gifts' for my sister. What a surprise..Pink colour! Err...unfold beauty! hahaha..but actually Pink is very nice colour.

Even i'm busy working, i managed to make it! Just 5 ;) Have a look!

Anybody wanna ask me to do for their Hantaran?? No problem ;) Just a small fee will be imposed ;)

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Antara Garisan

Antara Garisan - Between a Line

It was a really great tele-film! I just watched it yesterday night - Astro Ria 10.00 pm - 12.00 pm together with my daughter - Saffiya. really impress with the story. This tele-film actually has been shown on 5 Sep 2009, last year - I MISSED It!

This telefilm powerful hold on the theme of sin and the reward is only separated by a line which is fine enough  starring by Noorkhiriah, Sharifah Amani and newcomers Ismail Abd Aziz as the main actor. This telefilm becomes more robust when assisted by Isma Yusoof, Zaibo and new immigrants as Zaibo, Nadia Aqilah Bajuri, Faizul Hashim, Farhan Daing, Yaya Nadzri and more.

Between the Line begins with the story of a Uztaz named Arman (acting by Ismail Abd Aziz) that appears in a village at dawn day. He has met with a woman named Ayu GRO (Noorkhiriah) being drunk in front of the mosque. Ustaz Arman who was then standing at the foot of the stairs mosque with a view that women look disgusting and Ayu also looked ustaz with shyness.

After the incident, they will not meet again until a day and at the same time, Ayu was standing at the foot of stairs mosque in the same place he encounters with Arman Uztaz the first time. But this time, Arman Uztaz found in a quite shameful.
At that time, then they remembered that they had in different places and realized that they have changed their position because they realize what distinguishes only just by a fine line.

The song also very nice ...

Morale of the Story
1. Islam is Not Hard to Follow
2. Muslim is Not A Terrorist, Islam Love Peace!"Jihad" should be done in a correct manner & peace
3. Don't Judge a Book by Its Cover

Now days it is not easy being a Muslim. It means that one must know their religion which is not only knowing who Allah is but also knowing how to live Islam everyday. Allah has not only left us with the holy Quran but also the example of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). He (Allah) says in the Holy Quran: "It is not for a believer, man or woman, when Allah and His Messenger have decreed a matter that they should have any option in their decision. And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger, he has indeed strayed into a plain error." (Surah Al-Ahzab: 36)

This directive has been given to the Muslim in order to make Islam easy to follow. Allah tells us that our religion is not hard and the Prophet (peace be upon him) himself said that when there are two or more options to follow, that as long as the ways are halal (allowed) we should always take the easiest way. Our religion is not one of asceticism, Islam is not a religion of "do's and don'ts" but one that presents perimeters and guide lines for living.

May Allah help and bless us in this life and the hereafter and may we have an obedient spirit as we grow in this Muslim life!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Blog - English or Malay


Blog which one is better? In English or Malay??

Here my opinion....

Deep in my fren idea is GREAT - Blog should be write in English! Why??

1. I've many friends come from vary races :)
1Malaysia - We live happily in Malaysia even we have Malay, Chinese, Indian, Caucasian, and so many la...

2. Google Adsense
I think English is more popular compared Malay language. In case i want to do some business here, the target can be "Worldwide" ;) Coz the language is not the barrier ;)

3. English Writing - Shorter than Malay Writing
So, i shall control my emotion when writing anything specially something from deep of my heart ...hehehe

OK, as for me, really agreed to have blog in English =) For others, up to you, this is just my opinion.

Plus in a way, can improve my English writing too :) But...hehehe as this is my personal blog, i might type it in a very simple sentences. So, i hope u all can understand :)

I'll start writing my blog in English today :) Thanks Sudha for the suggestion :)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Kerja Part Time

Dalam mengharukan kehidupan yang semakin mencabar dan kos sara hidup yang semakin tinggi, saya terpikir jugak kalau nak buat kerja Part Time. antara perkara-perkara yang bersarang di kepala saya:

1. Kurang Masa dengan Keluarga
Mungkin masa saya dengan keluarga bakal berkurangan atas faktor letih @ buat kerja yang part time tu.

2. Lari "Family Planning"
Mungkin jugak, sebab biler ade kerja baru, bermaksud ade extra responsibilities...Hmm...takkan baru nak tunjuk prestasi yang baik, tetiba mengndung pulak. Pepaham je la..mengandung ni memang tak leh duga camne nanti. Emosi sensitif, badan cepat letih, satu lagi..mungkin kaki kejang la (as my 1st pregnancy dulu2...mana tahu)

3. No Chances Layan Movies Best
Ni yang tak best. Macam now, saya sangat suka tengok The Biggest Loser Asia, tak missed lagi. Plus, layan Discovery Channel malam-malam sambil berehat. Errr..will miss this part kalau buat part time malam - no more TV!

4. Tak Cukup Rehat!
This is the most important part i think, Health is Wealth!


Kerja Part Time boleh membantu saya:

1. Gain Extra Money
Biler ade extra money, maknanya saya boleh...

2. Shopping Dengan Gembiranya
Biler boleh shopping dengan gembira, maksudnya saya jugak mampu

3. Bayar Lebih Pada Hutang
Specially PTPTN....arrrghh..sungguh menghantui diriku bab ni!

4. Boleh Travel!
Ni paling best...biler travel, tambah pengalaman di tempat orang & mungkin leh merasa main salji!

5. Bagi Extra Money to My Mum!
This is the utmost part that i really want to do it. But for time being can't give so much. Sekadar mamapu jika ade lebih RM bulanan.. :s

6. Boleh Tolong Orang Susah
Bab ni adalah peringkat tertinggi yang mungkin saya boleh capai, kalau dah jadi kaya. Saya tak mahu jadi orang yag lupa diri. Saya mahu dengan gembiranya, saya membantu mereka yang memerlukan tanpa sebarang was-was (tanpa ade sekelumit pikiran - cukup ke duit belanja aku bulan ni? )

Apa-pun, bersusah-susah dulu, bersenang-senang kemudian :)

Monday, March 1, 2010

Sepantas Waktu

Pantas sungguh masa berlalu, arini dah masuk Mar 2010.

Semoga bulan ini menjadi permulaan yang baik untuk bulan-bulan mendatang. Ku berdoa agar setiap usahaku lebih dihargai, dihormati & diberkati. Semoga kekawan saya jugak di golongkan bersama :) Aku gembira dengan kehidupan sekarang, syukur Alhamdulillah.

Dalam bulan Mar ni aku bakal melangkah ke usia 28 tahun. Hmm...pantas, memang pantas masa berlalu. Sekejap jek rasa nya dh hampir 28 tahun, dh ada seorang anak berusia 2 tahun 9 bulan. Masa ni Saffiya sangat aktif bercakap, mengulangi setiap apa yang dipelajari.

Nak di kongsi bersama, setiap malam sebelum tidur dia pasti akan bertanya, menyanyi dan berdoa - semuanya ulangan harian :p Kalau terlalu penat pun, layan jek...kalau terlelap saya, lelap la dia :)

Keaktifannya memang sukar dihuraikan, kalau duk serumah baru tahu camner - mencabar kesabaran & kepenatan TAPI dia jugak PENGHIBUR TERBAIK kami :)

Love U Saffiya, Ibu & Ayah sentiasa sayang Saffiya. Sayang Semua!